Photo of Antonio Carreño Spain

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I was born on February 24, 1953 in a small town of Green Spain, Asturias.

I've always lived with a brush between your fingers!

Very Joben, followed courses with a teacher who exercised at a place called "Bridges Between" (Asturias) and this I learned among other things, the love of Art the fundamentals...

Awards received

  • 2017, Tercer Premio del publico 2017-Ville-Sur-Haine
  • 2015, Distinción especial "Colores del espacio" 2015-Toulouse(Francia)
  • 2013, Distinción especial "Colores del espacio" 2013-Toulouse (Francia)
  • 2011, Distinción especial 2011

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See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 39.37 in
19.69 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 19.69 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
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I was born on February 24, 1953 in a small town of Green Spain, Asturias.

I've always lived with a brush between your fingers!

Very Joben, followed courses with a teacher who exercised at a place called "Bridges Between" (Asturias) and this I learned among other things, the love of Art the fundamentals of drawing and painting.

Later, my early works were inspired by Surrealism and society of the time.

My first public demonstration, by the mid-seventies was for the decoration of a Flamenco show go on in Brussels.

Since then known moments under activity and other rich in inspiration until recent years two important aspects come and give me the desire and willingness to go beyond the high road of art.

The first is that before oil painting and discovered only a few years ago I took full acrylic, as this painting has the advantage of drying quickly and my results proved even better than I expected.

Therefore not leave the oil painting to which I return from time to time.

The second aspect is that already some time ago I found a style combining two passions, my admiration for astronomy, and my love of painting and adapting particular topics that touch our fantastoco universe.

My friends nicknamed me "The painter of the stars" because although pinto virtually all issues, my ultimate inspiration manantaial remains for the moment, Astronomy with its mysteries, its dreams and colossal size.

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